Ivan Kibuuka

Base Info


Ivan Kibuuka


Founder Arudem


I’m Ivan.

I loves creating cool things for and with others. I started my first venture at 15 and have been making stuff ever since. My interests are mostly in creative stuff – gaming, sports, art, and design. Spent the past five years, exploring sustainable models within these areas. I’ve built and shipped products like a rugby sports brand called MIA, which evolved into a community of over 1000 plus members.

Additionally, I was involved in an events-hosting brand during high school. I helped a friend’s company gain recognition as a Junior Achievement Program’s company of the year. Today, I’m the founder of ARUDEM (https://arudemco.bio.link/), a gaming community in East Africa, which is transitioning into a creative platform for gamers to collaborate on their ideas related to future technologies and concepts.

I’m conceptualizing a research and development startup focused on flexible packaging, inspired by the Japanese art of paper folding, known as origami. I see a massive gap in product packaging locally, despite the growing entrepreneurial activity in product processing, this is especially notable given our heavy reliance on agriculture, with a gradual shift towards product processing and value addition.

I’m currently enrolled at Harvard Business School (Online), furthering my education in business. My current focus is to assist creatives in building unique businesses, emphasizing sustainability and innovation.
