Loise Machira

Base Info


Loise Machira


Independent Consultant


Loise Machira is a dynamic legal expert deeply dedicated to effecting social change in Africa through human rights approaches. With expertise in policy analysis, advocacy, and digital strategy, she consults in various areas including policy, social advocacy, and communications.

She is currently the Communications Lead Consultant at KawiSafi Ventures, a clean energy fund under Acumen; and has worked with organizations like GIZ UNICEF, FEMNET, and the Mastercard Foundation Africa Growth Fund. Loise is also a Mental Health Advocate, influencing inclusive policies with Kenya National Human Rights Commission and has contributed to Kenya’s mental health legal frameworks.

Additionally, she runs Tizi Talks, a wellness blog which was nominated for multiple awards that led her to be appointed as the first Global Wellness Day Ambassador for Kenya. During the pandemic, she initiated an online campaign called ‘The Relief Connect’ which raised 20,000USD to provide relief to 600 displaced families. She has been recognized for her leadership potential and is part of the Bridge Africa Initiative, a leadership programme by UM6P University in Morocco, aimed at empowering young African leaders for continent-wide impact.
