Immaculate Innocent Acan

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Immaculate Innocent Acan


Medical Doctor & Writer


Acan is a medical doctor and writer. She won the Writivism Short Story Prize in 2016, and has been published by AFREADA magazine, Omenana Magazine, and Brittle Paper.

Her most recent works have appeared on Sooo Many Stories and in Selves: An Afro Anthology of Creative Nonfiction. Acan has published an illustrated children’s book titled The Pearl Trotters in Black, Yellow, Red.

For Acan, writing has always been her first love and she looks forward to a literary future where African stories will break the mould even more than they do now.

YELP Experience

When I attended the first seminar of the L??O Africa YELP fellowship, I was flailing about a little, trying to find my place among a group of gifted and talented young people who seemed more sure in their leadership journey than I was. Another seminar later, and I believe I’ve found my balance, in no small way because of the influence of my fellows. Never have I believed more that we, the youth, are not just the hope for a better future but a better present as well.

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