Martin Balaba

Base Info


Martin Balaba


Medical Doctor & Entreprenuer


A medical doctor, health innovation enthusiast, and entrepreneur with unwavering passion and enthusiasm to work on healthcare challenges that set new trends and change overall paradigms. Has over five years’ experience in the use of digital Health and mobile technology platforms to build feasible solutions that address barriers to accessing equitable and inclusive health care.

Currently working on projects to explore opportunities for artificial intelligence, drones, Big data and block chain, in bridging the gap in healthcare service delivery and systems strengthening.

Martin also co-founded RAINFOREST COFFEE UGANDA, whose vision is ‘to become the leading producer of high quality coffee both locally and internationally and establish the legacy of Ugandan Coffee in existing and virgin markets’

YELP Experience

The desire and motivation to be a great leader, successful entrepreneur, to leave an engraved impact, is only a pixel of the whole picture. At the centre of all this is our character, strengths and weaknesses and how they play a great role in all we do and desire. Being part of YELP has been an incredible journey into self discovery.

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